by Dr. Bill Black
Now we are ready to install the finished pipework. In PHOTO A we begin to mount the pipes. As you will recall in an earlier article we used masking tape to mark the numbers of the pipes that will be installed in the threaded sockets. The pipe number is marked on the tape.
Sometime ago, we also took the case corner trim along with some other case parts to the plater to be brass plated. PHOTO B shows these parts before they were sent to the plater. The idea is to dress up the case a bit to compliment the brass pipework.
In PHOTO C the rest of the pipework is mounted and the case trim for the corners of the case is installed. Also the wooden blocks on the ends of the keyboard have been installed.
PHOTO D shows a closeup of these blocks. The lower panel for the keyboard side of the case has also been fitted along with the wing nuts to hold the panel in place.

PHOTO E shows the roll frame side of the calliope. Unable to resist the temptation to see how it sounds, a music roll is placed on the roll frame. The suction and wind pump box was completed some months ago. It was attached to the calliope and turned on. After a bit of tinkering with the pressure and vacuum it comes to life and we have music. The reward for all the work is at hand. It still needs the pipework tuned and the various systems adjusted. Happily all the tubing is correct and the
pipework mounted in the correct positions.
Dr. Bill Black is one of the nation's most knowledgeble Wurlitzer band organ experts. He has made recordings of many band organs and other mechanical music machines which are available for purchase in our Gift Shop .