Conneaut Lake Park - Your Assistance Requested
Hello....I'm writing to ask for your support in spreading the word about Conneaut Lake Park. I'm sure you know more about our carousel than I do, but it is truly one of the park's treasures. The health of our carousel is directly related, of course, to the health of Conneaut Lake Park. The park's signature coaster is also a treasure, a 1938 Vettel wooden coaster; 1 of only 2 of its kind standing. Fundraising efforts are underway to repair and reopen the coaster, and work has begun. This reopening is critical for CLP. We are excited to announce that we are in the July period of the national Pepsi Refresh Grant program. The voting public determines which projects get funded. I'll paste the press release below. Would you please share this with your membership and help us support this for CLP?

Blue Streak Coaster at Conneaut Lake Park in the Running to Compete for $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant

The 2010 Pepsi Refresh Project is a grant program that awards $1,300,000 each month to the projects in each award category that receive the most votes from the public. The Blue Streak Restoration Project has qualified for the July voting period. The ten projects in the $50,000 category that have the most votes as of the end of July will each receive the funding.
Go to to register to vote. There is no fee to do so. You can (and should!) vote every day. The leader board on the website will indicate the ranking of each project. You must be at least 13 years old to vote.
Work has begun and is progressing on the Blue Streak. But, as was explained at the Coaster Convention on June 24, the reconstruction progress is exceeding the funding. Help us earn the votes we need to qualify for the grant by voting every day, and spreading the word to others. Let’s get the Blue Streak back on track!
5 Jul 2010 - 09:44 by Carousel News General News | comments (0)


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